News | Patelec Group

POSEIDON® SUBWATER LINE has been specifically designed for all water applications,

Written by PALETEC | Sep 18, 2020 4:15:00 AM

PATELEC presents the brand new POSEIDON® SUBWATER LINE

Requiring contact with liquids and water, including deep immersion, OIL or ATEX environments and drinking water as submersible pumps, water treatment control equipment and cleaning systems. Extra flexible and soft versions are specially dedicated to floating switches. 

With this Brand’s new line, PATELEC will be able to support your export for specific applications with a worldwide range of international certifications, also covering over moulded plugs power cords with suitable POSEIDON® SUBWATER cables, including potable water applications. 

Special and customized connection systems with a different level of water tightening and sealing concepts are also available to answer to all your needs.